Trading in the equity market continues to occur at a breakneck pace. In a split second, investors can transact in shares. The Indian Equity Market handles transactions worth thousands of crores of rupees every day. Before you enter the equity market, if you are unfamiliar with markets, you should educate yourself by reaching out to us at 7834834444. What Is An Equity Market? The equity market is where shares and stocks of businesses are exchanged. In an equity market, stocks are exchanged at stock exchanges or over the counter. It is also known as a stock market or share market, enabling buyers and sellers to transact in shares or equity on the same platform. First things first: it is critical to start by having a solid grasp of what, in the Indian context, the equity market is. Shares of businesses or other entities are traded on the equity market, also known as the stock market or share market. The market enables buyers and sellers to transact in shares or equity on...